Match Report

Latinos 305
today's match is sponsored by Latinos 305

Match Report

Match Report
It's a clear sunny day here at Deva Stadium where Chester City play Motherwell in this friendly game. A crowd of 17,584 fill this 21,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Chester City are playing in a 4-3-3 formation while Motherwell appear to be shaped for 4-2-4.

Motherwell start the game by kicking off the first half!
Eric Raff flicks the ball to his team mate, David Burley. David Burley knocks in a cross ball towards Vitor Postiga. Vitor Postiga is unmarked! He powers a header at goal but it is shockingly off target!
Matt Meiklejohn deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Stuart Booth. Stuart Booth hits a low pass to Mervin Wright-Phillips. Mervin Wright-Phillips knocks in a cross ball towards Mirko Benarrivo. Mirko Benarrivo knocks the ball goalwards with his head which easily beats the keeper. Goal!!
Stuart Booth controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Adrian Bower. Adrian Bower knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Darren Greening.
Eric Raff makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Gavin Morrison. Gavin Morrison knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Pedro Ibanez makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Gavin Morrison. Gavin Morrison plays a one-two with Paul Mason and advances towards the goal... Gavin Morrison makes some space for himself and shoots at goal but it flies wide!
With a delightful solo run, Max Owen stretches the opposition's defence. Max Owen makes a probing pass to Mirko Benarrivo but he's offside!
Marvin Wright threads a neat ball through to Mervin Wright-Phillips. Mervin Wright-Phillips knocks in a cross ball towards Adrian Bower. Darren Greening barges into Adrian Bower. Adrian Bower appeals for a penalty! The referee just ignores him!!
Cyril Deguerville deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Max Owen. Max Owen deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Mervin Wright-Phillips. Mervin Wright-Phillips knocks in a cross ball towards Adrian Bower. Adrian Bower jumps high and flicks the ball with his head but somehow Johan Brolin manages to keep it out.
Eric Raff flicks a high pass forward. Vitor Postiga collects the pass. Vitor Postiga knocks in a cross ball towards Paul Mason. Paul Mason connects with the ball, driving a powerful header at goal. The ball is well placed but the keeper is more than a match for it. Nice keeping!
Seeing a gap ahead, Pedro Ibanez plays the ball forward to David Burley. David Burley knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Matt Meiklejohn.
Pedro Ibanez surges forward with the ball. Pedro Ibanez threads the ball through to Paul Mason but he's offside!
Cyril Deguerville sees Stuart Booth in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. With great vision, Stuart Booth plays the ball forward to Mervin Wright-Phillips. Mervin Wright-Phillips knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Darren Greening threads a neat ball through to Pedro Ibanez. Pedro Ibanez threads a neat ball through to Gavin Morrison. Gavin Morrison knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Alfred Skora who gathers it comfortably.
Marvin Wright kicks a strong pass forward to Adrian Bower. Adrian Bower threads a neat, attacking ball through to Mirko Benarrivo. Mirko Benarrivo shows great control and tries a shot on goal but somehow Johan Brolin manages to keep it out.
The referee whistles the end of the first half!

Both teams emerge for the second half. Chester City appear unchanged since the first half. Motherwell have changed their lineup with Billy Greig replacing Pedro Ibanez and appear to have rearranged themselves into a 4-2-4 formation. The Motherwell players look more motivated than they were before.

Chester City kick off!
Billy Greig flicks a high pass forward. Paul Mason collects the pass. Paul Mason knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Alec Strachan clumsily knocks into Mervin Wright-Phillips. The referee calls over Alec Strachan and shows him a yellow card! Mervin Wright-Phillips hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Darren Greening threads a neat ball through to Billy Greig. Billy Greig flicks a high ball forward to Paul Mason who takes it down. Paul Mason lofts in a cross ball towards Vitor Postiga. Vitor Postiga makes a deft header. It's in!! A beautiful goal for Vitor Postiga!
Motherwell have made a substitution with Matt Gallacher replacing David Burley .
Stuart Booth hits a low pass to Mervin Wright-Phillips. Mervin Wright-Phillips lofts in a cross ball towards Mirko Benarrivo. Mirko Benarrivo makes a convincing header but it flies wide!
Marvin Wright knocks the ball to his team mate, Mirko Benarrivo. Mirko Benarrivo lofts in a cross ball towards Mervin Wright-Phillips. Mervin Wright-Phillips is unmarked! He powers a header at goal. The ball comes off Darren Greening and the loose ball is cleared up field.
Eric Raff threads a neat ball through to Paul Mason. Paul Mason knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Billy Greig threads a neat ball through to Paul Mason. Paul Mason knocks in a cross ball towards Vitor Postiga. Vitor Postiga is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal. The ball takes a deflection leaving Alfred Skora with no chance!! Goal for Motherwell!
Stuart Booth darts forward. Stuart Booth finds some space and shoots from distance. Magnificent save by Johan Brolin!
Chester City have made a substitution with Seth Summerbell replacing Cyril Deguerville .Motherwell have made a substitution with Andy Dickov replacing Torsten Eilts .
Rio Sheringham knocks the ball forward to Stuart Booth. Stuart Booth controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Adrian Bower. Adrian Bower skips past Callum Ritchie! Adrian Bower takes a shot at goal. It curls slightly but Johan Brolin manages to gather it.
Eric Raff threads a neat ball through to Gavin Morrison. Gavin Morrison knocks in a cross ball towards Paul Mason. Paul Mason makes a convincing header. What a cracker!! Alfred Skora had no chance!! Goal for Motherwell!
Seth Summerbell darts forward. Seth Summerbell hits a low pass to Adrian Bower. Adrian Bower shoots from 25 yards but it is shockingly off target!
Alec Strachan barges into Adrian Bower. Alec Strachan is warned by the referee! Adrian Bower runs off the knock.
Full-time is reached with the referee blowing his whistle!

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 1 vs 3
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 6 vs 4
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 2 vs 2
Offsides: 1 vs 1
Fouls: 0 vs 2
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 1
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 60.4938271604938 vs 39.5061728395062
Play Area
Home team third: 29.63%, Midfield: 43.21%, Away team third: 27.16%

Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Vitor Postiga of Motherwell

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
1. Alfred Skora (GK)
5. Jose Ferreira (DEF)
6. Marvin Wright (MID)
7. Max Owen (MID)
8. Stuart Booth (MID)
9. Adrian Bower (ATT)
10. Mirko Benarrivo (ATT)

12. Seth Summerbell (DEF)
13. Gareth Pearce (MID)
14. Takis Venizelos (ATT)

1. Johan Brolin (GK)
2. Torsten Eilts (DEF)
4. Alec Strachan (DEF)
6. Eric Raff (MID)
7. Pedro Ibanez (MID)
9. Vitor Postiga (ATT)
10. David Burley (ATT)
11. Paul Mason (ATT)

12. Andy Dickov (MID)
13. Billy Greig (MID)
14. Matt Gallacher (DEF)